Girls can play cricket too!
Be default all cricket teams in Ballan are mixed gender. Junior Girls can play in a mixed team up to two years above the age group. Currently we have several Girls doing this. If our numbers continue to grow we may be able to enter an all girls team into a local comp. Several of our girls are currently participating in a multi club all girls comp down in Melton’ |
Victorians will have more opportunities to take part in community sport and improve their health and wellbeing thanks to over $737,000 in funding from VicHealth’s latest funding round.
![]() 263 local Victorian sports clubs will get a share in Active Club Grant funding to provide more female teams and programs, as well as social sport options for less active Victorians.
The grants will also support social, flexible and accessible sports programs to encourage more people in the community to give sport a go, regardless of their ability, gender or cultural background. As part of this grants round, VicHealth is funding a wide range of popular sports and activities, from grassroots football and netball, to less traditional sports like weightlifting, BMX biking and hang gliding. Trailblazing sports programs include a junior sports program for children who use powerchairs and a soccer program designed for refugee children to learn how to play the game while also supporting them to connect with their new community. Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos said the grants are a vital way to support more women and girls to get involved in community sport. “We need to ensure our community sporting clubs are welcoming and inclusive places because every Victorian should have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of healthy, active lives.” she said. VicHealth CEO, Dr Sandro Demaio said Active Club Grants are designed to give Victorian sporting clubs the boost they need to ensure they can support their community to be more active. “We know that for many sporting clubs new equipment, a subsidised membership or funding for coaches could be the difference between having a team or not,” Dr Demaio said. “While there is a growing number of women who are looking to step onto the field and join a club, there are still less opportunities for women and girls to play and participate in sport, which is why we’re supporting as many clubs and teams as possible to provide these important opportunities. These grants will help get Victorians more active by offering modified or social versions of traditional sports, where your age, ability, background, lifestyle or gender isn’t a barrier to taking part.” VicHealth research also shows many women feel intimidated to get involved in sport. Fifty clubs will receive extra funding to promote VicHealth’s This Girl Can - Victoria campaign as part of a state-wide movement to empower women to get involved regardless of how good they are or how they look while getting active. “Last year our This Girl Can – Victoria campaign encouraged over 400,000 Victorian women to get more active. These grants will help even more Victorian women to feel safe and confident to get out there and give sport a go.” Dr Demaio said VicHealth was proud to support grassroots clubs and volunteers across Victoria to get more communities active and healthy. “Playing sport is so good for our physical and mental health but we know not everyone in our community has the same opportunity to get involved,” he said. “Active Club Grants create more opportunities to find a sporting activity you love, so we encourage everyone to check out what’s on in their local area and give it a go.” For more information on VicHealth’s Active Club Grants or the full list of local clubs receiving grants, please visit https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/funding/active-club-grants Media Contact: Imogen Baratta, VicHealth Acting Senior Media Advisor on 03 9667 1319, 0435 761 732 or [email protected] |
More BCA Reps from Ballan.
Congratulations to Sarah Burton, Beth Davenport and Clover McIlwaine who have been selected to play in the Under 13s BCA Representative Girls team. A great reward for lots of hard work. Good luck girls, the club is very proud of you all. VicHealth's Active Club Grants 2019-20 Round One
From: activeclub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 1:11 pm Subject: Important information about your Active Club Grants To: Dear Successful Grant Recipient Congratulations once again on your successful application for funding through VicHealth's Active Club Grants 2019-20 Round One Media opportunities VicHealth officially announced the outcome of the grant via a media release on 30 October 2019. A full copy of the media release can be found here: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/media-and-resources/media-releases/local-clubs-getting-more-of-the-community-into-the-game local Members of Parliament have been notified of the outcome and may contact your club for media opportunities. State Sport Association and Regional Sport Assembly (if applicable) will be notified shortly. Your club is now free to promote to your members and the community about the successful outcome. Digital artwork and a poster will be provided to help communicate your efforts in encouraging regular physical activity at your club. Click here to download the artwork. If your club is on social media, we would love you to post about being a successful grant recipient – please tag @VicHealth and use the hashtag #ActiveClubGrants. We would also love to hear about your clubs success in increasing the physical activity levels of less active Victorians through sport. If you believe you have an interesting case study please contact us at [email protected]. If you have any further questions please feel free to call or reply. We wish you every success with your project and look forward to hearing how your club helps improve the health and wellbeing of your community. Kind regards Brenton Mendes Project Officer Physical Activity, Sport and Healthy Eating Phone: (03) 9667 1308 |